March 20, 2020

ProMach’s business is directly connected to sectors considered part of the nation’s functioning critical infrastructure, which is deemed imperative for both public health and safety during the COVID-19 emergency. By providing automated packaging solutions that touch nearly every type of consumer good, including food, beverage, and pharmaceutical products, ProMach is inextricably part of the system that supplies vital products across the world.

Our machinery helps every one of the Fortune 500 Consumer Packaged Goods (CPG) companies and thousands of other businesses, large and small, get their necessary products to store shelves to attend to the needs of the entire population to keep them healthy, clean, and fed. Without our support to keep these packaging lines operational, our customers are at risk of failing to fulfill their critical role in the delivery of essential items to consumers during these difficult times. It is therefore critical that our facilities stay open and operational, while balancing the need to contain the spread of this virus.

Like all responsible employers we have stretched our limits to avoid unnecessary gatherings of our employees, have restricted travel, and contact with others. We have been steadfast in adopting the guidelines issued by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the World Health Organization (WHO), as well as the recommended guidelines of the governments where we operate. We have made capital investments and have spent significant money to distance our employees and provide for equipment to keep our employees and their families safe from infection.

Localities throughout the United States are enacting restrictions to personal mobility, as well as to business operations that they deem non-essential. As an integral part of the critical infrastructure our goal is to keep our business functioning, our manufacturing facilities in operation, and our necessary staff engaged in supporting our customers. We feel an obligation to our role in the adequate production of food, beverages, cleaning supplies, medical supplies, and other items necessary to everyday life. We are doing this while striking the delicate balance of employee safety and community responsibility. I appreciate the dedication and contributions of all our employees in helping keep the welfare of the entire population in mind as we weather this crisis together.

Kind regards,

Mark Anderson
ProMach President & CEO

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